Anyway, during our most current trip to Menard's, we FINALLY purchased a water softener (YAY!)! I have been wanting to have one installed for the 2+ years we have been in the house, but we just haven't been able to have it done yet. We were wanting to have a system installed by Kinetico (HELLO $1,500.00), but we decided that we could just buy a water softener, install it ourselves, and call it a day. When we bought the house, there was a water softener in the basement, but it has never worked. We're hoping that it's something as simple as turning on the water in that area and having the new one hooked up properly (the softener that came with the house is almost 30 years old, so it was time for an upgrade either way!). I'm really, REALLY hoping this is just a quick swap-out and the flip of a couple switches to get this going.
While we were at Menard's we also got a few things for my horse supply shed. Ultimately, this shed will hold all of my saddles, show equipment, trailer supplies, blankets, and other miscellaneous stuff. It still needs painted, saddle racks put up, and some trim around the bottom, but we finally got locks for it today (good starting point?). We started this project about the same time we started our roof last summer, so work on the shed has been rather slow. I'm excited to see how this turns out when it's all finished!
Does anyone else have a specific, dedicated outbuilding for all of their horse gear? I'd be interested to see how you organize it and what you keep in it! Feel free to share pictures or ideas below!

On Friday night, we went to the see the movie, 12 Strong. This movie was about a special forces team that went into Afghanistan after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. The movie was very well done and had a strong, lasting impact. However, I have to say that one of the main things that stuck out to me was the way Middle Eastern countries treat women. I have read and done my own research on the topic, and many of their traditions just don't sit well with me. One particular one portrayed in the movie was that women are not allowed to receive an educated after they reach 8 years of age. If they are taught in secret, the teacher is executed. This physically sickened me while I was in the movie theater. I cannot comprehend how American women are fighting for equality in America, when we still have countries that do not allow women to receive an education and then execute them if they break that rule. I cannot find a way to justify the feminist marches that have occurred recently in America, when I know that things are so much worse in other countries. Yes, I believe that both women and men should be compensated fairly in the work environment. No, I do not believe that men and women are equal; nor do I believe that one sex is 'better' than the other. Each gender has something different and special that the other may not be able to offer to society as well. And I don't think that constantly fighting each other to prove that one is better than the other is the answer. I DO think that we should work to create gender equality in the bigger picture - I believe women should have the opportunity to receive a full education, that they shouldn't be required to wear long veils/face coverings to hide themselves from the world, that there should be no limitations on when/if they can speak in the presence of men, etc. When these basic principles are handled for women around the world, THEN maybe we can move on to equal pay. Perhaps when we achieve basic equality and rights for women all over the world, we can return to fighting for equal pay, job opportunities, recognition, etc. for ALL women. **If you feel the need to comment on this part of my blog post, please be respectful with your words. People are entitled to different opinions & to disagree, but that doesn't give a free pass to be mean or hateful**

I decided to do some baking on Saturday afternoon and made these really quick and easy chocolate chip bars! They were delicious right out of the oven. Of course, Andrew had to have a middle piece. *sigh.
The weather was so nice on Sunday that I decided to ride both of my horses! Right now, I'm working on getting them back into shape. We work on lots of transitions to keep them thinking & paying attention, and we also work on endurance by long-trotting for 10-15 minutes. I rode with the arena door open yesterday, as I also need to get them used to the outside world again. They've spent so much time inside lately due to poor weather, and I always like to re-introduce them slowly when I'm riding. I actually lunged both of them before riding, just to get them used to the new sounds, smells, and sights, before I hopped on. Comet ran around like an absolute crazy horse for about 15 minutes, and Lex actually had a few bucks and head shakes in there too! Let's just say I was glad we got their energy out before I got on!!
I'm really excited to get Comet out this summer & see how he does with all the distractions & new things at a show. I'm just hoping he stays calm, gets on the trailer both times, and doesn't do anything too crazy!
I'm hoping to put Lex in the canter classes this year - we will see how that goes. We still have trouble rating our speed and staying consistent, but I'm hoping to have good rides and go from there.
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