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About Me


My name is Jess, and I am the author here at Hoofbeats & Pawprints.  I have been obsessed with horses ever since I can remember.  Twenty-something years later, and I haven't outgrown that horse-crazy phase, and I don't think I ever will.  I currently have three horses - Sam, Comet, and Lex.  They keep me incredibly busy, but I enjoy every second that I get to spend with them.  I enjoy competing with my horses, but I also enjoy trail riding and enjoying lazy days at the barn.  Any type of interaction with my horses brings me peace and I am thankful to live the life that I do.

I have had Sam, my 28 year old Paso Fino gelding, for 12 years.  He has been my constant companion and best friend.  He has taught me so much about myself, life in general, and has helped shape me into the person I am today.  I can't imagine my life without this special boy in my life.  He has gotten me through everything life has thrown at me since I was eleven years old.  He enjoys trail riding with me, eating peppermints and bananas, and teaching little girls how to ride.

I have owned Lex, the giant 5 year old Paint gelding that I have quickly learned to love, for 2 years.  He is an astounding youngster and he never ceases to amaze me.  He has taught me so much about trust, expectations, and hard work.  I have huge dreams and outrageous high hopes for our show career together, and he is already showing me that the right horse and hard work will take me anywhere I want to go.

Comet is the last of my equine herd.  He is a 16 year old Appaloosa (we think) gelding.  I rescued him from Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary in Ravenna, Ohio.  He came to me in pretty bad shape--200 pounds underweight, urine scalding, and an unreasonable fear of anything unfamiliar to him (so far this list includes gloves, a lunge line, saddle pad, water....we are working on desensitizing him still!).  Comet is teaching me about patience, compassion, and the importance of setting goals and consistently working towards them, even when it seems like we are making progress backwards.
Stubbs is my Cairin Terrier/Mini Schnauzer mix.  He is a three year old bundle of energy and happiness, and I can't even imagine a day without my absolute best friend.  He loves adventures, but also likes to hide behind my legs when he's scared.  We cuddle together under the blankets during thunderstorms, and enjoy sunbathing in the summertime.  We camp, canoe, and hike together, and love every single minute of it.  We are still working on training and obedience, but I have never had a dog like Stubbs before.  He is spoiled beyond belief, but I've never had an animal make me feel so loved, needed, and HAPPY.  He is my soul mate, in dog form.

There are also two kitty cats in the household, Leo and Graybeard.  I have never had indoor cats before, and WOW.  They are something else!  What in the world are they tearing around the house after at 3 in the morning?  Do all cats eat cinnamon sugar muffins, and leave paw prints in freshly baked brownies?  Leo and Graybeard are both 2 years old and definitely keep me on my toes.  They are not fond of constant cuddling, but enjoy sleeping on my face at night.  They bring me tears from laughing so hard.  I certainly hope these two kitties are around to stay for awhile.

I suppose I should also introduce my husband, Andrew.  We've only been married for about 10 months, but we began dating in 2012.  I had no idea someone could be so self-less, supportive, and well, amazing.  He listens to me rant about a bad day, laughs with me over the antics of our animals, and is the absolute best groom a girl could hope for at a horse show.  He went from scared of my horses to the one tacking them up and having them ready to go before my classes.  He is nothing but supportive of my passion for animals, but finally has put a cap on the animals--apparently 3 horses, 2 cats, and 1 dog is a lot.  Who would have guessed?!  He is my favorite person and I am so thankful that we get to do life together.  Also, he  brought Leo and Graybeard into our household.  I think he felt outnumbered by my animals, but would never admit it!

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